3 useful tips when creating an EV car policy

Switching to an electric fleet brings challenges for many companies. We provide tips and tricks to make this transition go smoothly. In this blog, we share some essential tips when creating a custom car policy for electric cars.

Make sure you are well prepared

Before taking the leap to electric vehicles as a company, thorough preparation is essential. Adapting the car policy is a crucial first step. By formulating clear guidelines, you not only avoid unnecessary problems, but also make the transition much easier for the entire organisation. Think about things like the process of transition and providing charging stations at employees' homes.

3 handy tips for your car policy

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1. The process

Make clear agreements on the process of transitioning to electric driving, including home installations for charging stations. Consider specialised firms to guide you through this process and avoid problems.

2. Rate agreements

Another important aspect in implementing electric driving is tariff agreements. Reimbursing home charging sessions at  CREG-rates  is a commonly used method. By recording these agreements in the car policy, you avoid possible discussions in the future.

3. Cost sharing

Finally, it is crucial to clarify cost allocation. Standard packages for home installations are often included, but what if additional work is needed? Who bears the cost if an employee wants to install a charging station away from their home? These questions are essential to consider and set out in the policy.

Electric driving offers numerous advantages for businesses. By being well prepared and making clear agreements, you can make a smooth transition to electric vehicles.

Don't forget to download our free  eFleet-guide  for more tips and tricks.

Download the e-Fleet 2026 guide